No one, I repeat, no one wants to spend a day, let alone an entire weekend, cleaning. Depending on your level of cleanliness, spring-cleaning times may vary. But we’re here with a quick guide to a thorough cleaning that you can get done in 2 hours, give or take. 2 hours is doable, right?
If you’re a person without much time to clean, this guide will give you step-by-step directions on how to clean your kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom in a hurry.
Using green-friendly cleaning products whenever you can will help the environment and the air quality in your home.
We’re going to focus on the cleaning portion in this guide. Wiping away dirt and grime to start spring off right is super therapeutic. You’ll feel great afterward and so will your home.
So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started.
The kitchen usually takes the most time so it’s best to get it out of the way first.
Tackle the fridge before anything else. It’s time to get rid of any food leftover from the past week or longer (just put it on your counter for the time being). Spray the inside of your fridge to your hearts’ delight. Best to clean any dried food and stains with a sponge first and then do a final wipe down with a clean paper towel. You’ll need to pull out the crisper drawers to give them a thorough cleaning, as well as the floor of the fridge. Afterward, place all the food you’re keeping back in the fridge in an organized manner. Be sure to take the garbage out right away, food in the trash does nothing but make your newly cleaned apartment smell not so clean. Watch future blog posts for tips on decreasing your food waste - there are lots of tips to share.
Wipe down the stove. Spray the top and front of the stove. You may need to pull the stove from the wall to clean the sides, depending on where it is located in the kitchen. Get that handy sponge again to clean the hard to remove stains from under the burners. Then do a final wipe down with a paper towel.
Next up is cleaning the sink. Fun! It’s best to have all dirty dishes cleaned and put away before tackling the sink so it’s completely empty. Wet the sink and then sprinkle or spray a cleanser over the bottom and sides of the sink. Give it a good scrub and then let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes. Do a final scrub and then rinse with water.
Let’s do the counters next.
Remove everything from the counters and then once again, spray the counters to your hearts galore with an eco-friendly, all-purpose cleaner. If there are hard to remove stains, use a sponge first to break them up, then do a final wipe down with a paper towel.
The kitchen is almost done! Next up is to sweep. We figure this is pretty self-explanatory!
Lastly, we have to mop the kitchen floor. This is by no means very fun, but someone has to do it! Using a mop and bucket can feel clumsy though, and mops rarely really clean dried stains. So we have another method. Grab a sponge or a rag you’ve made from the t-shirt with a hole in it, it’s time to get down and dirty with it on your hands and knees. You can use a bowl/bucket of soapy water or an all-purpose spray cleaner. If you’re using the cleaner, spray a small section of the floor and then scrub a dub dub with the sponge. This is much more effective at getting rid of dried stains on the floor. Just do a small section at a time. When you’re done, you’re done. No more going back to cleaning stains that you missed after you mopped.
We all know that the bathroom is the last room in any home that people want to clean. Let’s get it done as quickly as possible!
Start with the shower and tub. Wet the tub and shower walls. There are many options for green-friendly bathroom cleaners that are good for removing those stubborn films and soap rings on your shower and tub. Spray or sprinkle the cleaner in the tub and wipe it around, then let the cleaner sit before you start with a little elbow grease. Scrub the entire tub, and while your cloth or sponge is still soapy from the cleanser, scrub the shower walls with it as well. Let the cleanser sit on the walls and tub for another few minutes, then rinse.
Moving on to the bathroom sink and mirror. First, spray the bathroom mirror and wipe it down. Then spray the counter and sink with the all-purpose cleaner and wipe down.
We’re tackling the toilet next. Flush the toilet before applying an eco-friendly toilet bowl cleaner, scrub and then let it sit while you wipe down the rest of the toilet with the all-purpose cleaner. Flush the toilet bowl cleaner and you’re good to go.
Lastly, we’ll do a final sweep, then clean the floor with the same system we did for the kitchen; using a sponge in small sections or a mop.
The living room is just 3 easy steps.
Wipe down furniture.
The easiest way to clean the living room is to take a soft towel in one hand along with your all-purpose cleaner in the other. Just spray the towel with the cleaner, and wipe down the surfaces of your coffee table, side tables, TV, and TV stand.
Vacuum the couch. The next step is to pull out the vacuum cleaner to clean the couch. Time to remove the cushions and vacuum all the stuff that has slipped through the cracks over time. Replace the cushions once you’re done.
Vacuum the floor. Now that we have the vacuum cleaner out, we’ll finish the living room by vacuuming the floor. If you have someone to help you move the couch to vacuum underneath, bonus points. And voila, you’re done.
As far as cleaning, the bedroom is really an extension of the living room. All you need is that towel with an all-purpose cleaner and a vacuum.
Repeat steps 1 & 3 from how to clean the living room, and you’ll be good to go.
Tip: If you can throw the bedsheets in the wash before you start cleaning the kitchen, they’ll be done by the time you’re cleaning the bedroom. Just remember to throw them in the dryer after cleaning the kitchen. The last step is to make the bed with your freshly cleaned linens.
Easy as pie. Now time to enjoy the weekend!