Tenant Services

Welcome to State Street Properties! We aim to provide you with the peace of mind that comes from impeccable service and attention to detail. Here you’ll find helpful resources for taking full advantage of your State Street lifestyle.

Quick Links

Tenant Portal

Open Portal

Resident Caretakers


Residential Tenancies Tribunal

Learn about the laws governing residential renting in New Brunswick, the role of the Tribunal, and obligations of the landlord and tenants

City of Fredericton

Learn about city services, facilities and news, and discover local arts & culture

Fredericton Bus Routes

The City of Fredericton Transit Division operates 28 buses on twelve routes and a parallel service, Para Transit, for persons with mobility challenges.

Service New Brunswick

Access more than 200 government services electronically and through a network of service centres located throughout New Brunswick

NB Power

Track your account information, online payments and consumption history.

Move-Out Survey

Thank you for being a State Street Properties tenant. Please answer a few short questions about your experience.

Contact Us

Need to request a service? Have a question? Let us know. 
Apply with us today
Start your application for rental opportunities at any of our properties.
(506) 454-7877
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